I've been asked to speak to the Vanderbilt Chapter of Delta Delta Delta about what the sorority means to me post college...
So, I thought what a better place than my blog to write my speech..
Thinking back to college and all the experiences I had in Tri Delta I didn't think it could get much better. I had some of my best friends by my side, girls that I could trust and confide in, someone was always there with a hug if I needed it. And there was always something to do, fraternity party or Sex in the City marathon. I just knew that these were my best friends and would one day be the brides maids in my wedding, they would always be there for me, and there was no way we were going to be pulled apart...
Then we graduated...and some moved away...some went back home...some went back to school...some got married...and we quickly found ourselves at different places in life.
I, moved to Nashville... I knew 2 people in this whole city, my best friend from 3rd grade, and a girl I was in youth group with in Colorado. I moved here with out a job, with out a network, and with out a clue.
The first place I turned to was the Nashville Alumni Chapter of Tri Delta. I remembered how much DDD did for me in college, and thought that maybe just maybe I could meet some new friends. I was just in luck they were having a young alum get together, so I went. And, ended up meeting some of the most important women in my life. Now, let me tell you the first night I met these girls I was not sure what I was getting myself into...I was a Tri Delta at Nebraska, and these girls went to southern schools...I wasn't quite sure what to make of them. I'd never been to a horse race...I didn't wear pearls...At Nebraska, we watched football and wore t-shirts and jeans.
The 5 of us, Lauren, Kim, Liz, Emily and myself decided that we were going to get together for happy hour each month, we invited other young alums and the group grew and grew...there were 35 of us at one point. For me these monthly get togethers were what got me through my, very trying, first year in Nashville. These girls encouraged me, supported me, loved me, celebrated with me, cried with me...
See, I move here with out a job...I found temporary work at Starbucks, but wasn't doing what I wanted to be doing. I went on interview after interview and it still took me a year to get a job. With out these women I doubt I would have survived my first 6 months in Nashville. They sent me job leads, put me in contact with hiring managers, and most importantly they kept my spirits up.
We as a young alum group have been through so much in the past 4 years, there have been engagements, weddings, and babies, there have been break ups, loss of jobs and girls moving away. And, yet we are there for each other through thick and thin. These are the girls that I do life with. Girls that I can turn to, when I am having a rough day or when I have good news and want to celebrate!
I'm not saying that my sorority sisters from college aren't important in my life, because they are. We are just not as close as we once were.
I am sure the girls that are going to be listening to this will be rolling their eyes with the next statement, because, well I did the same thing... But the DDD has meant more to me post college than it did while I was in college.
Being a Tri Delta is more than 4 years in college... it is a lifetime membership, and something I am so so grateful for!