Wednesday, February 29, 2012

UPDATE: Houndstooth Hallway

I've gotten a couple questions about the subtlety of my Houndstooth Hallway.  

Is it too subtle?  
Are you thinking of doing something to make it pop more?
Do you think you need to re-do it?

The quick answers are no, no, and no. It is perfect for the space! 

Let me explain, because it is white on white it is really subtle, and there are times that you don't even notice it, but that is fine. My downstairs is "Palm Leaf" green, "Almost Charcoal" dark gray and "polished silver" light gray, these colors are pretty bold and another bold color would have made my head spin, I think. 

The pattern is where the "boldness" comes in. It is pretty big and graphic. 

Here are a couple pictures I took today at lunch. With the green and the dark gray the white on white houndstooth works perfect! 


p.s. if you like those penguins on the wall check out Penguin Attack

100th Post

It really should not have taken me this long to get to my 100th post!

Life seems to have gotten in the way of blogging, imagine that.

I've thought a little about what my 100th post should be about. Should it be something BIG? If it needs to be something BIG... I am going to have to wait, because there is nothing too big and exciting going on right now.

So, I thought I would make this post about some of my favorite things! My Friends!

A great night downtown!

Lacey in Nashville @ Roberts

Maggie @ Shrimp and Grits

We are a little blue but still cute!

4th of July a couple years ago, just a super cute pic!

Don't hate me! This is called efficient dress shopping!

Tanner and I getting ready for NYE neighborhood style!

Kickball Crew!



Kickball Crew!
If you put crazy pictures on my get put on my blog ;)!
Nebraska Crew
Crazy Neighbors 
1. I must be slacking on taking pictures, because I don't have recent pictures of many of you!
2. I know some of these are old, I just love them.
3. Don't hate me!

Love you all!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A little Obsession

Ok, I am going to admit it...I am a little obsessed!

With what you may ask...

This stuff! San Pellegrino Grapefruit!!! I like the Lemon just fine, and I LOVE the Orange, but Grapefruit is outstanding.

I hope you are having a lovely spring day, and if you see grapefruit San Pellegrino in the store, give it a try.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Houndstooth Hallway

You all know how much I LOVE to do projects in my house. Well the latest project that I've done and not shared with you is my houndstooth hallway.

(I know that I live in SEC territory so this question is bound to come up, Nope, I am NOT an Alabama fan. ;) )

There was one weekend this fall that I didn't have something going on. Nebraska must have had a bye week, because I would not have attempted this with only one day to work on it.

I had been debating for a long time about what to do with my stairway.  I thought it would be really really cool to put reclaimed barn wood paneling on the wall. Then I thought of the sheer size of the wall, and the amount of sanding I would have to do and tossed that idea right out the window.  So, my next thought was paint.  And a pattern. Some how I landed on houndstooth.


The next big decision was what color to paint the walls.
Two different shades of bright blue?
How about a cream and camel color?
Or two shades of slate blue?
Grey? (Like there isn't enough of that in my house already)
What about doing the same color with different sheens...
What color white? (There are about 1,000,000)

In the end I tried to find a white that was different from the white that was on the walls before (it was far too yellow, and clashed with the baseboards) and complemented the baseboards.

Once those decisions were made it was time to get to work.

I had Casey help me with a template, he was able to make one out of scraps from work.  Then I painted the wall with the white that I got in the egg shell sheen. Once that was dry and ready for me to tape off I whipped out my template and got to work.

There was a lot of leveling, taping, re taping, headaches, ibuprofen, beer, frustration, and work!

*side note: These pictures don't do the wall justice.

The first level and square "tooth".
This is the template that my bro made for me.
I taped around this template, I also made one out of wrapping paper that would be easily bendable for corners and the tight areas. 

8 down 35 to go

Since this is a graphic pattern that builds on itself, you can't just trace the pattern for every "tooth". (I know that this is going to be so confusing, this is about the time Advil was needed.

Every other "tooth" is going to be painted with high gloss, you only need to outline the "tooth" that is going to be painted with high gloss. The next "tooth"(the one that is not being painted) should be the exact same size as the pattern. 

Every other tooth is going to be bigger in the taping process, but they all come out the same size in the end. I found it helpful to mark the "teeth" that were not going to be painted with some painters tape. It helped me keep track of where I was. 

It makes a lot more sense when you are doing it! PROMISE!

about 1/2 way done
all taped off

Once the patter was completely taped off, there was some detail work to be done.  Since I can't tear tape in the straightest of lines, there was overlap that needed to be cut out with an exacto knife.  

This is about the time that I lost it and was about to rip it all down.  

Thankfully Casey was there to help with the detail work. It isn't too much different from what he does with his paintings he made quick work of it. He went around to every intersecting point and made sure the points were pointy, instead of squared off. 

Then it was time to paint! This was the quickest and easiest part of the whole process. Because I had already painted a quality base coat, and that base coat was the same color, just a different sheen, there was no need for multiple coats! 

I got to see the fruit of my labor that night! By the time I finished painting everything, and sat down for a beer, the paint was dry enough to take the tape off. 

This is how it turned out! (Again the pictures don't do it justice.)

Looking down
Looking Down

Looking Up
The darker "teeth" are high gloss, the lighter, eggshell.

Looking back on this process, I will say that it was a lot of work for subtle. Don't get me wrong I LOVE it and wouldn't changed it because it is perfect for this spot in my house. However, if I were to do it again, in a different house, I would make sure that it is more of a focal point. That much work needs to be shown off!


So, I have not posted in a while!

I feel like I have failed you! I've not posted in such a long time...

Things have been crazy, but crazy good!

Since my last post on, my brother's birthday, things have been amazing. Here are some of the top events of the past 6 months!
  • Over 200 people showed up to the first Nashville Huskers watch party of the season! It was AMAZING!

  • I went back to Nebraska for the Alumni Club leadership conference, and got to see my mom! 

  • I saw my Huskers play in person for the first time in a couple years.
  • I was asked to be the Maid of Honor in my best friend's wedding!

  • Mom came to Nashville for a visit!
  • I was a guest speaker for a marketing class at TSU.
  • Nebraska survived their frist season in the Big Ten, and made it to the Capital One bow.
  • Casey and I went back to Colorado for Christmas. 

  • Dad was told he was no longer needed at Group Publishing, Inc. Bittersweet. He is now on to bigger and better things! Go Dad!
  • NAMA (Nashville AMA) has been keeping me on my toes! Amazing speakers, wonderful opportunities,  enthusiastic students!

(It seems like my fall was full of Nebraska red, doesn't it?!)

I don't know if you can really sum up the past 6 months in 10 bullet points and a couple pictures. I really am going to make an effort to blog more! Right now I am inclined to blame Pinterest for my lack of blogging over the past 6 months. ;)