Thursday, December 23, 2010


I know, I know I have been such a slacker least when it comes to blogging. There is just so much going on... I suppose you would like an update, but I am going to have to do a little at a time!

Mom and Dad came out for a week a Thanksgiving and I don't think I've stopped eating since! AH... So much for all that weight I lost... ha ha.

Here was our to do list from when they were in town.

So I hosted Thanksgiving, and it was awesome! We had friends, family, and neighbors join us...It was the first major holiday in my new house and the kitchen worked perfect! We actually were pretty inventive and converted my laundry closet into the bar for the night... It was perfect...The bar tenders were out of the kitchen so I could work!

There was also a pretty intense nerf gun fight... couldn't have been a better Thanksgiving!

We had such a great time! Since they came out for Thanksgiving, Casey and I are in Nash for Christmas then taking a family vaca! I am so excited! Merry Christmas to us! :)

I've also had a marathon of Christmas parties/dinners/lunches/get togethers... It has been so much fun. I will have to fill you in later!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nashville Huksers - Kansas @ Nebraska - Nashville, TN

I am 100% blown away with the AMAZING turn out we had this weekend at the game. It was our largest turn out yet 150!!! If we keep growing like this we are going to have to find another place to watch the games...eek! a good problem to have I suppose.

I was sitting there on Saturday looking around and was totally overwhelmed (in a good way) and was thinking about how cool it is to have a place in Nashville, TN where there are so many Husker fans watching the game. To be honest...I think we have only scratched the surface of Nebraska fans here in Middle Tennessee, I can't imagine how big this group can get. But I sure am proud to be apart of it!

Here are some pictures from the game this weekend!

Also check out those awesome T-shirts. I think they look sooooooooooooooooo great!

I also wanted to toss some fun stats out there for you...
- Through 10 games...1085 people have walked through the doors of the Frayed Knot to watch a Nebraska game!
- We are averaging 109 people a week
- Nearly 90% of the people who show up, didn't RSVP...Thanks guys ;) ha ha ha
- Our largest attendance at a game was 150 (Kansas @ Nebraska)
- Our smallest attendance at a game was 45 (Missouri @ Nebraska)
- 142 Nashville Huskers T-shirts have been sold



I am sure that you might be a little bit tired of hearing how great things are going with the new house, the neighborhood, and well my neighbors! But they are and I LOVE where I live.

I have been truly blessed to find such an awesome place to live AND have super cool neighbors...

We go from house to house to hang out, have dinner, play a game, watch a movie, or just enjoy each others company!

What a good lookin' crew ;)

Here are some of the latest pics of the bunch, at Kelly's Housewarming party!

I really couldn't ask for anything better!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Chihuly Nights at Cheekwood

I made it! Granted it was the last night of the Chihuly exhibit at Cheekwood, but I got to go see it...

And wouldn't you know it I left my camera at home, so I "borrowing" Megan's pictures (THANKS MEGAN) from that night. The pictures don't do it justice!

It was such a chilly night out but it was fun to spend some time with the neighbors!

Jay, Me, Jason, and Megan.

What great people to spend a wonderful evening with! Thanks guys!


Monday, November 8, 2010

Check it out!

One of our Nashville Huskers wrote a blog about our group...Check it out!


Nashville Huskers - Nebraska @ Iowa State - Nashville, TN

What another GREAT turn out at the Frayed Knot for the Nebraska @ Iowa State game...Our final count was 120!!!! I am always so excited to watch games with other great Husker fans! We always have such a good time.

We squeaked out a win...but a win is a win is a win! We are in full control of our destiny in the Big 12 right now. All we have to do is win out and we will be in the Big 12 Championship. There is still a lot of football to play yet this season.

Our T-shirts came in this week and they looked great! I could not be happier!

My friend Kevin was in town for the Florida Vandy game and he came and hung out for the Husker game! It was great to see him, it had been years!


Happy Belated Halloween

So, I know Halloween was a couple of weeks ago, but I just had to post some pictures of our pumpkins and my table!

So here they are!

Casey and I carved pumpkins just like old times... Although Mr. Art opted to create his own design a three headed cat on the left, and mine is the owl on the left...


When I was in Omaha, I made this black and orange Halloween table cloth, I think it is UGLY as all get out but I LOVE it! And I put it on my table every year! It makes me smile :)


Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Scariest Place...

Sometimes I think the scariest place to be is all alone with your own thoughts...

I can tell that it is November...I am in the thick of things at work, and about to head in to the last push for the fall...We've hit the halfway point in the football season, and a little part of me can't wait 'til it is over...Recruitment is gearing up...and burn out is right around the corner, I can feel it...

Don't get me wrong I LOVE all of these activities and I am so blessed to have an amazing job...This is just the time of the year that they all seem to demand the most of me...When I get worn out, I get overwhelmed with my own thoughts which can be very scary at times...Like,

Why do I take on so much?
How do people do what I do and have a family to tend to?
Are all my extra activities good or bad?
Is this helping shape my future positively?
Are they keeping me from meeting someone, or giving me the opportunity to?
Is this what God wants me to be doing?
Am I using the talents, skills and abilities I've been given properly?
What are my talents, skills and abilities?
Am I good a anything?

Then I hyperventilate...

And really the questions I ask myself could go on and on...but at some point I have to quit, and just TRUST. Trust that these things are coming up because I am drained...Which might be an even scarier place to be, because you start to worry, and doubt...

Then I sit here and look around, and see how amazingly blessed I am. I have phenomenal friends. A incredibly loving and supporting family. A life that I really do love.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Casey and I dressed up for Halloween this year...

Case made his costume out of duct tape...can you believe that? I have such a creative brother! I thought my Flo costume was pretty good too!

Hope everyone had a good and safe Halloween!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Plum Jam

Case and I were chatting a couple weeks back about Mom's homemade Plum Jam... Plums were in season so I thought I would give it a shot...

....and boy did it come out yummy! It is a really simple freezer jam recipe.

2 Cups Pureed Fresh Plums
4 Cups Sugar
1 Pkg Pectin
3/4 Cup Water
  1. Mix plums with sugar, and let stand for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, stir the pectin into the water in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, and boil for 1 minute. Stir the boiling water into the plums. Allow to stand for 3 minutes before pouring into jars or other storage containers.
  2. Place tops on the containers, and leave for 24 hours. Place into freezer, and store frozen until ready to use.
It was that easy!

Give it a try, I know you will like it!


my neighbors!

Not only do I have a super cool house, and live in a super cool neighborhood, but I also have super cool neighbors!

We had an awesome block party last week...

Here are some pictures of the madness we all call FUN!

I can't wait til the next one!



I know, I know... So many... OK ALL of my blog posts lately have had to do with Nebraska Football...It just seems to be taking over my whole life lately!

However there is some other pretty exciting things going on too!

A couple of weeks ago I accepted a position on the Board for the Nashville Chapter of the American Marketing Association (NAMA), I am now the Collegiate Relations co-chair. I have been approached before about being on the board, but it was never the right time, or the right position.

Then a couple weeks ago, I was approached again, they had me in mind to co-chair the Collegiate Relations committee. It hit me, this was not something I could pass up. I was very honored to be asked, and new that it was the right move to make, or step to take. ;)

There are times that I feel in over my head but, I know that this is something I can do and I just need to take it one step at a time. Plus people have faith in me and believe that I can do this. Which feels awesome!

Wish me luck!


Nashville Huskers - Nebraska @ Kansas State - Nashville, TN

May I tell you how much I love hanging out with Cornhusker Fans! The Nashville Husker fans are so great, truly wonderful people and we always have a good time.

I was so impressed with our turn out for a Thursday night game that was on ESPN. We had about 70 show up! Way to go HUSKERS!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I was really worried about this game, I thought it was going to be a tough one. But I was VERY happy with the outcome! GO BIG RED! This is going to be a really fun season.

This week we have TEXAS...EEK! It is also Red Out Around the World week! So make sure you show up at the Frayed Knot in RED!!!

OK so here are the details for this weekend!

Kickoff is at 2:30 pm get there early to get a good seat. Michigan is playing at the same time so we are going to have to split the bar with them. We get the big screen and sound, we can sit in the main dining room and in the billiards room (there will be more TVs in there and it will be cleared out).

T-SHIRTS will also be on sale! Bring you $10 and place your order!



Friday, October 1, 2010

Nashville Huskers - South Dakota State @ Nebraska

Ok, ok, so I took a couple of days off... Things have been crazy at work, and well in life in general. I am kind of glad that it is a bye week this week. And just an FYI we will be at the Frayed Knot on Thursday for the Big 12 opener against Kansas State! See you there!!!

We had yet another solid turn out for the SDSU game. The total count came to 95, which is still larger than any event we had last year. And wow did we play poorly! But it was still great to spend some time with the Greatest Fans in Nashville!


The Lone SDSU Fan in the bar...

We are accepting of all fans! Even Ohio State...well maybe just this year ;)

As if I need to be reminded about how short I am...

That's right Erin, cover up that UK nonsense!

I am so proud to be a Nebraska Fan. You would not believe how many times I get stopped, honked at, waved at, I've even been given big thumbs up on I-65, from other Nebraska Fans here in Nashville. People are always shocked when I tell them how many people show up each week, and frankly I am always a little surprised too!

So keep passing the word around our group. Get all of your Nebraska peeps to get to a game. It really is a little slice of Lincoln at 204 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN!

Go Big Red!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nashville Huskers - Nebraska @ Washington - Nashville, TN

Wow I am continually impressed with the turn out at these Husker Watch Parties! The game this week was AWESOME and we had 125 Cornhusker fans show up to the Frayed Knot to support our team it was great!

Here are some pictures from this weekend:

We will be back at the Frayed Knot again next week for the Homecoming game against South Dakota State. It will be a PPV game and kick off is at 6! So get there early!

Can't wait to see everyone!



Saturday, September 18, 2010

Game Day

So often I feel like I over commit my self to doing just way too much. The problem is that, for the most part, I love all my "extra" stuff...

My very favorite is game day! I started Nashville Huskers/Nasvhillians for Nebraska (i really need to choose one name and stick with it) for purely selfish reasons. I had lived in Nashville just over two year and was about to go into 3rd football season and really really wanted to watch the game with some other Nebraska fans. I knew there were some around I would see bumper stickers and license plate covers all across town.

So, stalked people (kinda, not really, but yeah) on Facebook, LinkedIn, name it to find other Nebraska fans in town. I set our first game for the '09 VA Tech game. I had 20 people say that they would show up, I was ecstatic...I was also SO SO SO nervous that these 20 people were not going to show up and I was going to look like a fool to the bar. I pretty much wanted to puke as Casey and I were walking in.

To my shock and amazement the bar was already full of Nebraska Fans...85 showed up that day! I instantly felt better, and knew that this was something special. Little did I know, at that point, what a defining moment that was for me. In planning these events I have discovered my passions, talents, skills and abilities.

The 2009 season ended strong, there were a few bumps in the road, but you know I learned from them in order to make the 2010 season all that much better!

This group always seems to surprise me!

I had made a goal for myself at the beginning of the season. I wanted a game with at least 100 people there. That goal was reached in the first game of the season, with 130 people. I think I was in a bit of shock...I saw very little of the game, because I was mixing and mingling it was AWESOME. The next game was 120 (it was a morning game, fewer people attend those)...

I am just so happy! It is fun to see the success of such a great group. The Nashville Husker fans are amazing, and so much fun to be around.

We are also becoming a hot commodity! I've had 2 bars contact me this week to see if I was interested in switching locations... :)

It is funny...before 2 weeks ago it was a challenge to get a bar in SEC country to give up a SEC game for a Nebraska game, now it seems like they are more than willing, if I bring the club.

The Frayed Knot has been really good to us, so we are staying there...however it is always prudent to re-evaluate these things every year...

Today the Nebraska Cornhuskers take on the Washington Huskies at Washington. People are calling for this to be a close game. I really hope not, but I would like for it to be a good one! If you are in Nashville and are looking to watch the game come on out to the Frayed Knot at 2:30 today, I am expecting a good turn out!


Monday, September 13, 2010

Nashville Huskers - Idaho @ Nebraska - Nashville, TN

What another awesome turn out at the Husker Watch Party here in Nashville! We had 120 for an 11:30 am game, with major technical difficulties. I was so impressed that everyone stuck with us through the Internet Radio portion of the afternoon! You are all troopers for sticking with us! At least we got to see the last half of the game.

Goal for the season is to get the FL fan converted to the Huskers... I think we can do it!

We will be back at the Frayed Knot (204 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN) on Saturday, 9.18.10, for the Nashville Huskers, Nebraska watch party. Kick off for the Nebraska @ Washington game is 2:30. See you there!



Nashville Huskers - Western Kentucky @ Nebraska - Nashville, TN

I am a blog posting fool tonight.... Here are some pictures from our first Nashville Huskers watch party of the season.

We had an awesome turn out at the Frayed Knot (204 21st Ave South, Nashville, TN) the count was right around 130! The best turn out EVER. More than I ever expected! Thank you Huskers for being so awesome!

We will be back at the Frayed Knot this Saturday for the game against Washington. I hope all Nebraska Cornhusker Fans in Nashville will be able to make it to the Frayed Knot - 204 21st Ave S., Nashville, TN.

See you there!