Monday, March 29, 2010


There are several MAJOR milestones that a young adult encounters... Graduating high school, going to college, graduating college, that first real job, getting married, buying a house, having kids. I am sure there are other milestones in there but for the most part, these are the big ones...

I always imagined that my would occur in just that order...Graduate high school and college, get a good job, get married, buy a house, have kids. Funny how things don't always work out the way we've planned.

There are so many different paths through these milestones...Say, graduate high school, marry your high school sweet heart, have a baby, buy a house, go back to college...Or, Graduate high school, graduate college, get married, have kids, buy a house...How about, have a baby, graduate high school, graduate college, have another baby, get married, buy a house...There is always graduate high school and college, have a baby, never get married or buy a house...There are so many different paths that God leads us down...

Gods plans are good, it is just sad sometimes when I feel that my path through the milestones isn't how it is supposed to be. Not wrong, just not right...Like I've skipped an important step or two. My path, graduate high school and college, made on crazy move to Nashville, find a job, buy a house, and I hope and pray one day getting married and having kids is in that picture.



Unknown said...

The path you choose and have taken may not be conventional but it is one that has kept you smiling and given you many friends, memories and exciting things to still look forward to.

Nikka B. said...

Sometimes it's just nice to know that other people think about the same things I do and ponder the same questions....thank you for wearing your heart on your shoulder Emily Fay!
Even though your path may have lead you in a different direction than you imagined, you have forged YOUR OWN path and it suits you :)
Best Wishes & Congratulations on your new place!