Thursday, December 23, 2010


I know, I know I have been such a slacker least when it comes to blogging. There is just so much going on... I suppose you would like an update, but I am going to have to do a little at a time!

Mom and Dad came out for a week a Thanksgiving and I don't think I've stopped eating since! AH... So much for all that weight I lost... ha ha.

Here was our to do list from when they were in town.

So I hosted Thanksgiving, and it was awesome! We had friends, family, and neighbors join us...It was the first major holiday in my new house and the kitchen worked perfect! We actually were pretty inventive and converted my laundry closet into the bar for the night... It was perfect...The bar tenders were out of the kitchen so I could work!

There was also a pretty intense nerf gun fight... couldn't have been a better Thanksgiving!

We had such a great time! Since they came out for Thanksgiving, Casey and I are in Nash for Christmas then taking a family vaca! I am so excited! Merry Christmas to us! :)

I've also had a marathon of Christmas parties/dinners/lunches/get togethers... It has been so much fun. I will have to fill you in later!