Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Time - Bradford Pear

One thing I love about spring time in Nashville are all the beautiful trees that are in bloom! Right now the Callery Pear or as it is more commonly know as the Bradford Pear trees are in bloom and they are beautiful! Quite possibly could be one of my favorite trees! They have delicate little white flowers in early spring, by mid summer they have lush green leaves, and in the late fall they have an array of vibrant colors including purple, orange, yellow, red, pink, bronze...



Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Big News!

So, 2010 has been fantastic so far! Life is so good, God is great, and I am truly blessed!

About a month ago, I was sick (again) and decided that I was OVER my hot pink and black bedroom...I just hated the way it was decorated.
Laying in bed for 4 days strait looking at nothing but black and hot pink may have had something to do with it...I was on a mission to redecorate my bedroom...well from my computer since I was stuck in bed. I started day dreaming, and I somehow my search for a new comforter turned in to a search for a new place to live, and I found my self looking at Estate...Oh boy...and then I came down with house shopping fever...

I got my stuff in order, checked my credit, rounded up all my cash, and got pre approved. Three weeks ago I met with my realtor and found a townhouse that I fell in love with! Check them out this neighborhood...

If this isn't me I don't know what is. The best part about my place is that it is brand new. I am talking it is still under construction! So, I got to pick out all my colors from the floor to the counter tops, from the paint and the cabinets.

However, I don't have a say about what color the outside is going to be...I am crossing my
fingers for green! Organe would be my second choice, my third choice would be gray, and the cream color would be my last choice...We will just have to wait and see
what color it end up getting painted! The anticipation is killing me! I will keep you posted about which one I end up getting!

The other cool thing about this is that I am getting a totally unique floor plan...It is a cross between the Geneva and the Basel. The first floor will be the Basel and the 2nd floor will be the Geneva and the 3rd floor will be the 3rd bedroom option.

I know these are kind of hard to see...but you can take my word for it, it will be awesome!

Here are some pictures of the model townhomes just to give you an idea of what the lay out is going to look like... These pictures are of an upgraded model, and mine is not going to have all of the upgrades.

This is the front door...How cool is that?

This is the view from the living area back to the kitchen. This is taken just to the left of the front door. I am going to have those same dark hardwood floors and the white trim!

This is the view from the other direction, Kitchen toward the living area.

Kitchen close up! My cabinets will be this same style but they will be in a dark cherry color, and slightly different hardware, it will have this same granite. I am also going to have black appliances not the stainless steal appliances.

Making our way upstairs to the second floor, I did opt for the dark hardwood stairs.

Master bedroom with walkin closet! There is also a nice sized bathroom attached and a little deck off the back of the townhouse.

The 2nd bedroom (AKA: Casey's room) on the 2nd floor.

The 2nd full bath that is attached to Casey's room and the hallway. Casey will have to share with the 3rd bedroom wich is on the third floor.

So here was a picture from about 3 weeks ago of my townhouse that is under construction. Mine is on the far left, the 3 level end unit. Last time I looked drove by, the roof is on, the windows are in, and the vinel siding was going up, so it is well on its way to being done. I'll have to swing by and get a picture of the outside! I am just so darn excited!!!


Monday, March 29, 2010


There are several MAJOR milestones that a young adult encounters... Graduating high school, going to college, graduating college, that first real job, getting married, buying a house, having kids. I am sure there are other milestones in there but for the most part, these are the big ones...

I always imagined that my would occur in just that order...Graduate high school and college, get a good job, get married, buy a house, have kids. Funny how things don't always work out the way we've planned.

There are so many different paths through these milestones...Say, graduate high school, marry your high school sweet heart, have a baby, buy a house, go back to college...Or, Graduate high school, graduate college, get married, have kids, buy a house...How about, have a baby, graduate high school, graduate college, have another baby, get married, buy a house...There is always graduate high school and college, have a baby, never get married or buy a house...There are so many different paths that God leads us down...

Gods plans are good, it is just sad sometimes when I feel that my path through the milestones isn't how it is supposed to be. Not wrong, just not right...Like I've skipped an important step or two. My path, graduate high school and college, made on crazy move to Nashville, find a job, buy a house, and I hope and pray one day getting married and having kids is in that picture.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

-16.1 and Counting...

So, over Christmas lots of pictures were taken, and I don't think I was happy with a one of them... I looked puffy, and didn't feel pretty. I knew what I needed to do, shed some of those extra lbs I'd been carrying around.

I've never been a good New Years Resolution type person, so I waited till a week after new years and signed up for Weight Watchers Online... Boy am I glad I did! I am down 16.1 lbs and counting! :) :) :) And that is really just by watching how much I eat, what I eat, and when I eat... I don't eat as much, I eat more veggies and stuff that is better for me, and I've cut out the snacking...

Just imagine how much more I could lose if I started to exercise...Maybe I should get on that...


I know I know I've neglected my blog...

Ok, so, I'm not the best blogger... 2009 just seemed to get really busy really fast! So here is the the quick overview. I am sure more happend that I am spacing at this moment, but it was a packed year! (I'll add pictures later)

June 2009 -
Casey moved to Nashville - Ok so I was really worried about this...There was a great possibility that one of us would not survive the summer...But things really could not have been better. Although he is still living in the dinning room of my 800 sq.ft. apartment. It has been great having him around

Monica moved to Nashville - My sorority sister from UNL moved to Nashville in June as well to start a pharmacy program at Vanderbilt, it has been so nice to have another Nebraska girl around!

July 2009 -
Dad stopped by for a visit - I love it when my family comes out to visit...Although he had to work business in, it was still awesome to spend the time playing put put and enjoying dad and brother time.

There were also a couple great canoe trips through out the summer too!

Eve of Janus - (Although I can't remember if this was in July or August) This was a great event and all of the Tri Delta Alumnae in Nashville that participated did a phenomenal job!

August 2009 -
I got a blackberry - Yep, I am now addicted...was it a good decision...sometimes yes, sometimes no...

18th Friendaversary - So Allison and I decided to start celebrating how many years we have been of August 2009 it was 18, so we decided a weekend trip to Chattanooga would be a good celebration!

We went to the aquarium...

We saw Rock City...

And had an absolute ball!!!

Casey's 25th - Happy Birthday Casey! We went out and had a great time!!!

Tri Delta Young Alum - Our Tri Delta Young Alum Happy Hours are so much fun, I love those girls and don't know what I would do with out them. They were key in helping me though my transition to Nashville. I just hope by doing this once a month that we can help other girls who need a solid group of friends. I never believed it when I was told by some alumnae that they made better friends in their years as an alum than they did in college...but it is so so true! (I love you college friends, but I have made fantastic friends here too)

September 2009 -
The busy season - It is kind of like the monsoon season, but things just start to get CRAZY at work...but I love it...I love the challenge of working with so many clients on different mailings. It really pushes me to be a better Account Manager.

Labor Day weekend - Casey and I headed on a 12 hour drive to Lincoln, Nebraska for a long weekend. I took a couple of extra days off work so I could spend more time with friends and Family. Mom and Dad drove in from Colorado too. We went to the Nebraska State Fair, and ate tons of fried fair food. We also made it to the first football game of the season! Nebraska vs. LA - Lafayette (I think), we won :). GO BIG RED! We went up to Turkey Creek and spent a couple days with the whole extended family, I couldn't believe it had been 2 years since I'd seen most of them. I even got to squeeze in some time with a couple of friends from college...Man I miss them so much!

Nashvillians for Nebraska (Nashville Huskers)- Just because I didn't have enough on my plate with work, and Tri Delta, and my brother living with me...I thought I needed to start the Nashvillians for Nebraska group...I was just so tired of watching Nebraska games all by myself. I knew there were Nebraska fans around, so why not start a watch party... It would be easy and not take up a lot of time, right?! WRONG! But I LOVE it!

Our first game was the VA Tech game, I was crossing my fingers and hoping for maybe 20 people to show up...That is what I told the bar should be there...To my shock and amazement more than 80 people showed up. It was amazing!

By the end of the season I had over 200 people on my e-mailing list. I was so proud of what I had accomplished. It was such a challenge, the bar was not the best to deal with and caused me more headaches, there were some close losses through out the season, but I met some amazing people..

If you know of a good sports bar in Nashville that will show the Nebraska games with sound every week, let me know! We average about 50 people a week we have had up to 100.

October 2009 -
Work - Work - Work - Work - Work - Nebraska Football -Work - Work - Work - Work - Work - Nebraska Football - Tri Delta - Work - Work - Work - Work - Work - Nebraska Football - Work - Work - Work - Work - Work - Nebraska Football - Tri Delta...

November 2009 -
Work - Work - Work - Work - Work - Nebraska Football -Work - Work - Work - Work - Work - Nebraska Football - Work - Work - Tri Delta - Work - Work - Work - Nebraska Football -Work - Work - Work - Work - Work - Nebraska Football - Tri Delta...

Thanksgiving - Mom and Dad drove out to Tennessee in their new car, and we had a PERFECT Thanksgiving. I could not have asked for a better one. We cooked and just had an amazing time. I love having Mom and Dad around! Casey went back to Colorado with Mom and Dad, so I had some time to my self... I was reminded about how much I like to live alone...

(Of course we had to go watch the Nebraska vs. Colorado game together)
December 2009 -
A couple more football games, and yes I was burnt out...

Christmas Parties - yep I got burnt out on those too...

Christmas - I went home for 10 days at Christmas, it was awesome. Well, except for the part where I was sick with a fever on Christmas eve and Christmas day :(. It was nice to be home. Casey and I came back to Nashville, energized and ready to start the new year....

So that was 2009 in a sloppy nutshell!